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The following exercise will answer many questions you may have about sexuality during pregnancy.

Click on the option button that matches the correct answer and validate your answer by clicking on the « Check » button.


During pregnancy sexual relations with penetration

a) can cause a miscarriage during the first months.
b) can cause a premature delivery during the last months.
c) can continue without risk.
d) can harm the baby.
Right answer ! There is no scientific proof that sexual relations can provoke a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy and a premature delivery at the end of pregnancy. Sexual relations cannot harm the baby because the baby is well protected in its amniotic fluid sac inside its mother's uterus. Wrong answer ! There is no scientific proof that sexual relations can provoke a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy and a premature delivery at the end of pregnancy. Sexual relations cannot harm the baby because the baby is well protected in its amniotic fluid sac inside its mother's uterus.


During the three first months of pregnancy, the woman's sexual desires

a) don't change.
b) increase a great deal.
c) are non existing.
d) are often diminished.
Right answer ! During the three first months of pregnancy, women who are often nauseous and tired could see their sexual desires decreased considerably. The breasts which are often very sensitive can cause unpleasant sensations or even pain during sexual intercourse. Don't worry it will get better over the next few months.Wrong answer ! During the three first months of pregnancy, women who are often nauseous and tired could see their sexual desires decreased considerably. The breasts which are often very sensitive can cause unpleasant sensations or even pain during sexual intercourse. Don't worry it will get better over the next few months.


During pregnancy, the man's sexual desires

a) don't change.
b) increase a great deal.
c) are non existing.
d) vary from one man to another.
Right answer ! Men's sexual desires vary a lot. Certain men keep a very vivid desire for their partner while others distance themselves. Certain men don't like the thought of having sexual relations with a woman about to become a mother. Many men consider the breasts and the round belly of pregnant women to be quite sexy. Others think differently. The important thing is to talk about it in order to understand his feelings.Wrong answer ! Men's sexual desires vary a lot. Certain men keep a very vivid desire for their partner while others distance themselves. Certain men don't like the thought of having sexual relations with a woman about to become a mother. Many men consider the breasts and the round belly of pregnant women to be quite sexy. Others think differently. The important thing is to talk about it in order to understand his feelings.


If you do not feel like making love during pregnancy, the best thing to do is

a) make your partner understand that he must leave you alone until after the delivery.
b) discuss with your partner and find other ways to share physical intimacy.
c) continue having sexual relations in order not to displease your partner.
d) talk it over with your doctor.
Right answer ! Sex and sexuality are two different things. Even though you do not feel like making love or have fewer desires, you may have more need for other forms of intimacy such as kissing, hugging, and petting. Don't hesitate to enjoy this with your partner.Wrong answer ! Sex and sexuality are two different things. Even though you do not feel like making love or have fewer desires, you may have more need for other forms of intimacy such as kissing, hugging, and petting. Don't hesitate to enjoy this with your partner.


For the pregnant woman, the best time to appreciate sexual relations is usually

a) during the first three months (first trimester).
b) between the 4th and 6th month (second trimester).
c) during the last three months (last trimester).
d) throughout the entire pregnancy.
Right answer ! The second trimester is generally the most pleasant period of the pregnancy. The woman can feel the baby move and her bellyis not too big yet. For certain women there is an increase of sexual desire and pleasure. Even though an orgasm provokes contractions of the uterus, there is no danger for the baby if the pregnancy is going well. Enjoy! Wrong answer ! The second trimester is generally the most pleasant period of the pregnancy. The woman can feel the baby move and her bellyis not too big yet. For certain women there is an increase of sexual desire and pleasure. Even though an orgasm provokes contractions of the uterus, there is no danger for the baby if the pregnancy is going well. Enjoy!


Near the end of the pregnancy when the belly becomes too large, the best thing to do is

a) stop having sexual relations with penetration.
b) continue sexual relations even if they are uncomfortable.
c) be creative in your way of making love.
d) find a comfortable position for the woman.
Right answer ! As your body and shape change, certain preferred positions become difficult if not impossible. This is the occasion for both of you to become creative. You may try new positions, manual stimulation, oral sex, but with the following precautions: blowing air in the vagina during pregnancy can cause serious complications. If neither one feels like having sexual relations, try other forms of intimacy. Massages, petting, kissing, and hugging are some examples. Wrong answer ! As your body and shape change, certain preferred positions become difficult if not impossible. This is the occasion for both of you to become creative. You may try new positions, manual stimulation, oral sex, but with the following precautions: blowing air in the vagina during pregnancy can cause serious complications. If neither one feels like having sexual relations, try other forms of intimacy. Massages, petting, kissing, and hugging are some examples.