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Press Release

� COMPRENDRE LA PETITE ENFANCE DE LA P�NINSULE ACADIENNE � (Understanding the Early Years: Early Childhood Development in the Acadian Peninsula)

The TABLE DE CONCERTATION �DUCATION PRIMAIRE ET PR�SCOLAIRE, in cooperation with � Familles et Communaut�s D�abord � the social component of the Acadian Peninsula�s socio-economic recovery plan, has released the results of its latest research � COMPRENDRE LA PETITE ENFANCE DE LA P�NINSULE ACADIENNE � (Understanding the Early Years Initiative). This project follows numerous others conducted by � Familles et Communaut�s D�abord � during the last two years, all of which aim at the healthy development of early childhood in the Acadian Peninsula. The report is proving to be an exceptional tool in the understanding and analysis of the very character of life in the Acadian Peninsula.


� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
[email protected]