News & Events 
Press Release


The Collectivit� Ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule Acadienne (CIPA) inc., in cooperation with the RD�E (R�seau de d�veloppement �conomique et d�employabilit� inc.) would like to invite you to their CyberSocial. The event will take place at the Centre du Savoir, in Paquetville, Wednesday, May 7th, 2003 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This evening will give you the opportunity to establish contacts with many business people from the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector. CyberSocials take place on the first Wednesday of every month, each time in a different area of the Acadian Peninsula. A few minutes are set aside at the beginning of each CyberSocial for a business person of the area to briefly present his/her company. Our next guest speaker will be Mr. �ric Robichaud, from RD�E-New-Brunswick (R�seau de d�veloppement et d�employabilit�), who will present the organization�s four sectors, based on ICT. Interested in new technologies and their applications? Join us for our CyberSocial! Welcome all!


� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
[email protected]