What are Smart communities?

Smart communities are cities, towns and villages with a strategy to innovatively use information and telecommunications technologies (ICT) to benefit their region and their institutions. They make the best of the opportunities offered by new technologies to stimulate the growth of businesses and improve health, education and professional development services.

In trying to meet the needs of their citizens, communities around the world are discovering smart solutions to use information and communications technologies for economic, social and cultural development. Communities and countries that can exploit these new technologies� potential will create jobs, stimulate economic growth and improve the quality of life of their population.

The Smart Communities Program saw the light in 1999 as part of the Connecting Canadians initiative aimed at making Canada the most connected country in the world.

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� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
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