Part III: Smart services

Network of towns, villages and local services districts (LSL)

Carry out an action plan to strengthen municipal management and the availability of interactive on-line municipal services using ICT. CIPA will begin by putting the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization�s regional and municipal plans for district �M�[1] on line. This initiative will offer the community a tool for intervention, communication and training and a central databank accessible through a secure Intranet that will support the municipalities in emergency situations. This activity will be carried out through partnerships with the Forum des maires de la P�ninsule acadienne, the region�s municipalities, the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organisation and Civil Defence Canada.

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� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
[email protected]