Risk Profiler : Ecosystem Risk Characterization and Decision-Making Support Tool

The Risk Profiler application is designed as a simple tool to assist in characterizing risks in a given ecological unit and to help support decision-making through priority setting.  The tool is used to characterize Drivers and Stressors in the Ecological Unit in order to produce an Ecosystem Risk Profile. 

The tool allows professionals to test "what-if" scenarios based on their expertise and assist in the evaluation of risks in the ecological unit while ranking the potential Impact of stressors.  This can be useful for identifying management priorities based on the vulnerabilities of the ecological unit. 

The tool applies a simple semi-qualitative method for characterizing hazard levels (e.g. high, medium, low) and attributing values.  This approach provides a representation of cumulative risk rankings based on the characterization of the Severity and Likelihood of impacts to ecological functions within the ecological unit.


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